Vote SNP - we know where you live

Alasdair Allan

This is a private journal about all the exciting things that have happened to me since I stood as MSP for Gordon the Western Isles. I am dedicated to the people of Gordon the Western Isles, and there is nowhere else I would rather represent. I even intend to live there soon.

I am not to be mistaken for for that imposter who pretends to be an MSP.

I really like this dynamic and exciting blog layout, which suits me perfectly.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cllr Charles Nicholson

Cllr Nicholson is a newly elected Councillor on the Comhairle, but he and I are the victims of a most unpleasant, motiveless and malicious hoax.

I have known Cllr Nicholson for some time and I value his intelligence and his insights into the voluntary and youth sectors of the Western Isles which I am sure he will pass on to me if we ever meet.

Chazza, as he is known to everyone on the islands, is also a member of the Bridge Centre management committee and I have been told that at the most recent meeting he was fully supportive of the plan detailed in my letter below to allow me to open the centre, supported by the Minister, and to name the premises after the First Minister. However, this proposal was maliciously undermined by some of the other members of the committee who contrived to persuade Chas that this blog was in some way a spoof and that he should not pay any attention to my letter. Poor Chuck got into such a muddle that my proposal was was lost in what was obviously a pro-Unionist clique of windfarm supporters who are obviously all inbred cousins of The Donald.

On one of my occasional visits to Stornoway next year, I will be writing to Charles telling him that THIS IS NOT A SPOOF BLOG and that he should not listen to the imbeciles who suggest otherwise, and would he like to join my re-election campaign team. He can also become my second contact within the Comhairle to keep an eye on the SNP Group and report their mis-thoughts to me, so I can finalise the expulsion dossiers.

Blogs read: 1 (mine!)
Instructions received from HQ: 347 (All acted upon)
Contact from constituents: 0

I've read my wise words this many times

* No, not really. If you haven't worked out that this is a satirical exercise, then please get a life. And find one for Alasdair.