Vote SNP - we know where you live

Alasdair Allan

This is a private journal about all the exciting things that have happened to me since I stood as MSP for Gordon the Western Isles. I am dedicated to the people of Gordon the Western Isles, and there is nowhere else I would rather represent. I even intend to live there soon.

I am not to be mistaken for for that imposter who pretends to be an MSP.

I really like this dynamic and exciting blog layout, which suits me perfectly.

Friday, September 14, 2007

How hard I work

I wrote a serious letter to the Parliamentary Committee explaining just how hard I work and why I need more money to be able to bring the Gaelic language to the unsuspecting voters in the Western Isles.

I was supported in this righteous, and totally not self-serving, campaign by George Fuchs who I am told is a stalwart supporter of the Whisky industry, and once was someone important. He agreed with me that MSPs did much more work than MPs and should have bigger allowances to make us appear much more important.

Kenny was very supportive as he typed my press release, "You and George are so much more important than any MP", he said. I'm looking forward to telling Mr Angus about my new friend.

I've read my wise words this many times

* No, not really. If you haven't worked out that this is a satirical exercise, then please get a life. And find one for Alasdair.