I have pledged my complete support to the campaigns to keep open Carloway School from the vicious and indefensible cuts by the Council.
With the nasty Westminster Government making deep cuts in the budget of the saintly and prudent Scottish Government, which are being passed on to Councils, now is not the Comhairle to make cuts in schools which might affect my re-election chances.
I am not here to tell the Comhairle how or where to make the cuts, but clearly it would be wrong to close any schools or cut and social service provision or make anyone redundant, or cut any services, or raise any taxes, or make any representations to Government about the cuts that might suggest in anyway that the necessary de-increases in Council budgets that Mr John will announce this week are in any way the fault of anyone other that all other political parties.
I have today written to the Education Minister asking some serious questions: -
Dear Mr MikeHopefully this will kick it into the long grass until after the election!
You may remember me, as I was your employee for four years, and worked for you when I wasn't on SNP business. I'm the one who sits three rows behind you applauding constantly.
Can you please confirm that the closure of Carloway school is all the fault of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, and that you have provided all the funding necessary for a reasonable local authority, without any other self-inflicted budget pressures such as inflation and a Government approved new schools programme to fund would have been able to keep this school open, even with your predecessors approval to close it.
Can you also confirm that you will carefully consider the demands of the committee to review the decision before deciding to approve it, as you have previously indicated. And that it is nothing to do with me or you.
I am, sir, you loyal and faithful apprentice
Dr A Allan MSP (seat number 47)
Kenny has already written my letter of support for Lionel, where he works in the Sports Centre and where he receives special classes; and he has shredded Annie MacDonald's letter about Balallan to make it utterly deniable.
Since leaving the Gazette, Donnie MacInnes has taken up a career in journalism and he has written the official history of how the SNP successfully fought off the attempts by the Labour-run Council to close all the schools in the Western Isles, and how I single-handledly persuaded the Government to keep the five new schools open.
At least Mr Angus will have a job to go to in Barra when Mrs Jane finds out what else he has been up to.