I fully support the IT sector in the Western Isles and I have ensured that the SNP have delivered cheap and perfect broadband connections throughout the islands.
At a recent photo-op I was able to demonstrate the 17 megahertz broadband link downloading a 4mw file in barely 2 minutes.
I have championed the SNP policy got IT and I am proud to launch the new technologies from the islands. After intensive research by HIE, I can announce that over 5,000 jobs will be created in Lewis with the setting up of the new high tech cutting edge business "Tha JavaScript Agam". Thanks to a modest Government grant of £5m we have already delivered a cutting edge programme that says "Madainn vath" when you open your computer and thanks to my intensive lobbying of ministers additional funding will be made available to translate this into Scots, *nglish and braille.
As part of my commitment, I have already bought the *app* for my Government Blackberry allowing me to translate the simple morning greeting into two languages with the promise of another four phrases in Welsh, Hindi and Tagalog to follow within the next five years.
Vote SNP - we know where you live
Alasdair Allan
This is a private journal about all the exciting things that have happened to me since I stood as MSP for Gordon the Western Isles. I am dedicated to the people of Gordon the Western Isles, and there is nowhere else I would rather represent. I even intend to live there soon.
I am not to be mistaken for for that imposter who pretends to be an MSP.
I really like this dynamic and exciting blog layout, which suits me perfectly.
I am not to be mistaken for for that imposter who pretends to be an MSP.
I really like this dynamic and exciting blog layout, which suits me perfectly.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Election Pledge 3
I've read my wise words this many times
* No, not really. If you haven't worked out that this is a satirical exercise, then please get a life. And find one for Alasdair.